Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Adults Mental Health Support

Volunteering Support

CCVS Supported Volunteering Project - (Self-Refer) - We provide tailored advice and guidance to find the right volunteering opportunity or meaningful activities, support with applications, accompanied visits to organisations, travel training, help with preparation for interviews, and any further advice needed. We work with anybody who wants to become a volunteer, feels socially isolated and wants to be an active part of their community, but finds it difficult due to ill health, disabilities, lack of confidence, etc. 01223 631 819

Home Birth and Beyond Community Support (BBCS) - NCT Birth and Beyond Community Support is a programme that trains local women to become volunteer peer supporters in order to help mums during the all-important first 1,000 days. Volunteers signpost to local services, accompany women to appointments or local services such as children’s centres, foodbanks or financial advice services, and provide vital non-judgemental listening and emotional support.

Managed by The SUN Network