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Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Professionals Mental Health Support

School Nursing

School Nursing - The School Nursing Service provides confidential advice and support to all children, young people, and their carers in a variety of settings. Every School has access to a named practitioner within the school nurse team who work in partnership with children, parents, carers, health professionals and teachers, promote and maintain good health of all school children, support a child’s specific health needs, enable all school children to reach their full potential.

Cambridgeshire - 0300 029 5050 or

Peterborough -  01733 746822 or 


ChatHealth -Text Messaging Service for 13-19 year olds (currently only available in Cambridgeshire)

ChatHealth is an alternative way for young people to engage with experienced school nurses who will answer texts from 9.30am-4pm Mon-Fri on a range of topics including anything from healthy eating, smoking, self-harm and bullying.

Watch this video to find out more

Young people (13-19 years) can text 07480 635 443 to start a conversation.



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