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Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Professionals Mental Health Support

Substance Misuse Services

The Housing, Mental Health and Substance Misuse Toolkit has been developed by people working in a wide range of teams and agencies across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, with the help of experts by experience. It sets out the process to follow when housing, mental health and substance misuse issues occur in ten different scenarios. Click here for more details and the latest information. 

Services for Children and Young People

Cambridgeshire Child and Adolescent Substance Use Service (CASUS) provides information, support and specialist treatment in Cambridgeshire around drug and alcohol use to young people and their families. CASUS offers specialist treatment, interventions, support and information for all types of substance use. The also provide support for the families and carers of substance misusing young people, and see young people who are affected by the substance misuse of someone close to them. CASUS can see young people at school, home or a variety of community or healthcare settings. People can self-refer for an appointment, or a parent/carer or professional can refer a young person. The service is suitable for those under 18 years old but they also have a limited service for 18 – 21 year olds who are particularly vulnerable and would benefit from seeing a young person’s service rather than be referred to adult services.

Peterborough #POW (Possibilities, Opportunities, Without taking risk) young people’s drug and alcohol service is a free and confidential service that works with young people and families around their, or their parent’s or carer’s, substance use. The service is for those up to the age of 18 years with drug and/or alcohol problems and offers one-to-one support, group work, housing and education/employment support.

Adult Substance Misuse Services

Cambridgeshire - Change Grow Live provides the community adult substance misuse service in Cambridgeshire. Anyone can refer to the service, including families/carers and individuals referring themselves. Anyone can walk in during 'Open Access' sessions for assessment or advice, or referrals can be made via the website. You can also call (01223 315882) or email the service (

Peterborough - CGL Apsire provide drug and alcohol treamtment services with interventions and services including 1-to-1 support, group therapy, needle exhange and family/carer support.

For more information please see our C&YP page and the adult section here and here!



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