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Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Professionals Mental Health Support

sexual health training for schools and professionals


Dhiverse trainings are suitable and beneficial for professionals, parents and anyone in a formal or informal support role, who would like to have a better understanding of consent, sexual health, relationships and sex, and related topics. Their trainings will equip you with the skills, knowledge and information you need to feel comfortable when talking about these matters. Please click here for their programme

Dhiverse have used their experience, knowledge and understanding gained from providing RSE to Cambridgeshire schools for the last 25+ years, and developed and designed a full Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) Curriculum Package for schools. Our curriculum has been designed in line with DfE guidelines and has the support and approval of Cambridgeshire’s PSHE team.

They have also developed a Professionals Training Package for school staff and other professionals which includes how to communicate around sex and relationships. Click here to go to the their RSE Curriculum Information and Forms page. 

Dhiverse offer a range of non-mainstream relationships and sex education (RSE) programmes that can be delivered in a non-educational setting, ‘SLIP’ is one of these programmes.  SLIP stands for ‘Sex, the Law, and the Internet & Pornography' SLIP and is an alternative and age appropriate relationships and sex education programme. It is suitable for any young person age 9 to 24 who, for whatever reason, did not engage, or is currently finding it difficult to engage, in Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) or Relationships Education (RE) in school. Click here to see their leaflet to find out more about SLIP and their guidance for making a referral. 

Dhiverse's 'ABC Programme' is an alternative, age appropriate and ability appropriate programme for anyone age 11 and older (there is no upper age limit for this programme), who has a learning difficulty (LD) or autism. For more information on the ‘ABC Programme’ please click here for an easy read version and to find out more about what they offer.

They also offer' Understanding ABC' as a CPD accredited workshop which aims to help parents, carers and professionals explore the relationship and sexual needs of people with a LD or autism. It will enable you to understand some of the barriers people with a LD or autism face when learning about relationships, sex and sexual health and to consider more effective ways to communicate with someone with a LD or autism about sex and relationships. Click here for the course leaflet. 


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